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Flash The Flesh

When a group of bloggers join together for a chat you know that the final result has to be super!! And so this happened once more when, a few days ago, we were talking about our preferences between mini and maxi and Becky thought that it would be great to create a challenge which goal was to show a little bit more skin and our body (but with style and no vulgarity) showing proudly our curves. And so it was born “Flash the Flesh”.

As this was my idea, i wanted to give you a bit of my thinking behind the challenge is to flash a little flesh, how you do this is up to you, but it could be getting your legs out, getting your arms out, getting your cleavage out, wearing a crop top and showing your belly, or a mixture of these, but i just want people to be proud of their bodies and proud to show them off, all too often we shy away from getting it out because we fear others will judge, mock or laugh, but i say lets stick two fingers up to those people and love our bodies for what they are, fat and fabulous!

I myself have often been afraid to get my legs out, i have wobbly thighs, that have dimples in, and jiggle when i walk. They are pale and scarred and generally a bit of a sight for sore eyes. I refuse to fake tan, i am proud of my paleness, it just means you might have to wear sunglasses if you look directly at my legs to avoid being blinded. So today for this outfit, i have got my legs out, i am wearing a teeny weeny (sadly not polka dot or a bikini) playsuit. 

Playsuit - ASOS Curve
Shoes - Primark

We will be doing a second Flash The Flesh on the 8th June and we would love YOU to join in! If you would like to take part, comment below and i will get back to you. 

Check out the other ladies flashing some flesh and please give them many compliments 

Becky: http://www.mrsbebeblog.com

Emma: http://www.plussizemillard.blogspot.com

Steph http://seeingsp0ts.blogspot.co.uk/

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