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Why am i scared?

I am quite new to the blogging world, only starting in February but in all that time, i've been terrified of people i know in real life seeing my blog. I wouldn't tweet my blog address or add it my twitter, i wouldn't share it on facebook.

I got to wondering last night about it...why am i scared? is it because i think they will judge and laugh?  will it lead to people whispering about me behind my back? Will it open the floodgates for negative comments? Or is it because this is my private space to be who i want to be without pressure from the real world?

A peace and calm almost came over me as i was thinking this, who cares what other people think. This blog and space is about me as a person, and me saying fuck yeah i'm here and this is my body, if you don't like it, don't look. I'm actually really proud of my blog and what it represents and i want it to help people to come on the same journey i've come on. So this morning i added my blog address to my twitter, i also posted my blog address for all of twitter to see, i didn't feel like crawling into a corner about it, i felt empowered, i'm actually doing something positive (i hope) and that is nothing to feel ashamed of.