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Flash The Flesh Needs You

Yesterday was Flash the Flesh, a new blogger challenge i organised, you can find about it here. All the ladies who took part looked AMAZING! and i was so glad they really embraced this challenge.  These are all the ladies who took part

*Be warned,the following pictures contain lots of rad fat ladies loving their bodies and happily showing them off proudly*

I am just so happy at the success of it and we have all received great compliments and people commending on     flashing a bit of a flesh. We will be doing a second Flash the Flesh on the 8th June and we would love for more people to join in, if you want to get involved, drop me an email beckybrown8686@gmail.com i hope to see you Flashing some Flesh with us on the 8th!

You can check out my fellow flesh flashers here

Becky: http://www.mrsbebeblog.com

Emma: http://www.plussizemillard.blogspot.com

Steph http://seeingsp0ts.blogspot.co.uk/

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